10 Best Thiamine Rich Foods

Thiamine plays a huge role in the maintenance of healthy central nervous (brain and spinal cord). It is, therefore, important that you consume plenty of thiamine rich foods. Our brain is the most important organ in our body as it coordinates all of the important activities. In order to have our brain working optimally and efficiently, we need to make sure we are providing what it needs. Thiamine is one of those vitamin which it needs to prevent nerve damage and cause an array of medical disorders. In this article I am going to share some thiamine rich foods with you.

thiamine rich foods list
By consuming foods that are rich in thiamine, you can prevent unwanted thiamine related deficiencies. Just because we are talking about thiamine here doesn't mean other vitamins aren't important. Our diet needs to be balanced. In other words, it must contain all the nutrients that we need to keep our self healthy. Having vitamin rich alone doesn't help, you also need to make sure that you are getting enough of these vitamins.

How do you determine how much of specific vitamin do you need? You will need to look at the RDI (recommended daily intake) values which are provided by the health ministry of your country. These numbers represent a minimum and maximum values, which indicate that the amount you should be taking needs to fall within that range.

Let's now look at some of the foods that are rich in thiamine.

  1. Yeast Extract Spread
    It only gives you enough thiamine, but also contains vitamin B12 along with healthy amount of protein. A 100 grams serving of this spread can easily give you 9.5 mg of vitamin B1 (thiamine). 
  2. Sesame Seeds or Butter
    Commonly used in Chinese and a whole bunch of other dishes, 100 grams serving can give you about 1.5 mg of thiamine.
  3. Yellow fin Tuna
    This fish is a perfect meat source for thiamine. It does not give you excessive calories and provides decent amounts of thiamine at the same time.
  4. Beans
    Most beans, including black and split beans, have good amounts of thiamine in them, which make them a good choice for food. Another benefit of beans is that they also give you protein along with thiamine. So beans help keep your brain healthy and provide raw protein for your muscles. 
  5. Sunflower Seeds
    A 100 grams serving can give you about 1.5 mg of thiamine. Sunflower seeds are commonly used in on the go snacks, salads and various kinds of soups. 
  6. Brussels Sprouts
    Benefits of vegetables are endless. Brussels sprouts have a lot of thiamine in them. People usually boil a cup or two for consumption. 
  7. Pistachios
    Lovely and delicious snack! You can take them anywhere with you and have them on the go. They also give you plenty of copper, potassium and other minerals. Despite these benefits, you need to look at the amount of salt they contain. If you have a problem with your blood pressure being too high, you should consider other foods which contain less sodium. Sodium chloride (table salt) can increase your blood pressure.
  8. Soy Foods
    Perfect food for vegetarians for their protein and thiamine needs. soy foods aren't expensive and give you quality protein and vitamins.
  9. Nuts
    Another great snack that you can consume with just about anything.
  10. CerealsBreakfast cereals are normally fortified with enough thiamine to prevent deficiencies. It is a bad idea to miss your breakfast. Not only are you mission out of all these lovely vitamins, but you would also not have enough energy to begin your day with a smile on your face.
As most doctors will tell you, prevention is the best cure. If you can, it is easy to make some decision about your diet and include healthy nutrient rich foods. 

Sometimes, however, deficiencies result due to reasons beyond our control. You could be consuming a good diet but still have deficiencies. These deficiencies can be caused by underlying medical conditions or some genetic factors. Therefore, it is also important to visit your physician for normal check-up and blood-work. Good diet and regular visits to your doctor can increase the chances of you living a healthy life dramatically. 

I hope this article helped you understand what deficiencies are and how you can prevent them by consuming foods rich in thiamine in your diet. Consider the list provided above and consume thiamine rich foods. Feel free to share this article with others if it helped. Thank you for reading.


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